Health Food Innovation Management - Virtual Open Eve

In the Health Food Innovation Management programme, you will learn how to develop and market new food products while taking both health and profitability into account..

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Programme presentation

All the information you need to know about the master's programme Health Food Innovation Management.

<a id="pbl" name="pbl"></a>

Problem-Based Learning

Our students on Problem-Based Learning

Practical information <a id="info" name="info"></a>

Here you can find out more about practical matters, such as:

  • accommodation and our on-campus studios
  • admissions
  • scholarships
  • city of Venlo
  • student life

Student vlogs<a id="studentvlogs" name="studentvlogs"></a>

Why this programme?

<a id="online" name="online"></a>

Why Health Food Innovation Management (HFIM)?

Studying Health Food Innovation Management

Pre-master <a id="premaster" name="premaster"></a>

Are you a University of Applied Sciences student looking to obtain a university master's degree? Or is your bachelor’s study insufficient for admission to the master’s programme of your choice? In either case, you can do a pre-master's programme. It will give you the knowledge and skills you need to participate in this master's programme.

Check our website for more information

HFIM premaster

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International fairs and company visits <a id="fairs" name="fairs"></a>

At Maastricht University - Campus Venlo, we have close ties to the food industry and food research institutes. We carry out research projects with them and regularly invite our connections to give lectures. You’ll have guest lectures from specialists at various European institutes as well as industry players such as Unilever, Friesland Campina and DANONE. You’ll also get to visit food fairs, the European Commission and food research institutes such as NIZO Food Research, TNO and Dutch Bakery Centre NBC. This means you'll be up to date on the latest developments in this field. 


International Study Association Umami <a id="umami" name="umami"></a>

International Study Association Umami offers a common space for our diverse student body to connect and learn from each other, both in and outside of the academic environment. After all, what is education if it does not continue beyond the classroom walls? 

Discover more on their website here


Downloads <a id="downloads" name="downloads"></a>

Apply <a id="applynow" name="applynow"></a>

The admissions procedure, admission requirements and the application deadlines differ per programme. You can find more information about the application process for your programme here.

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