In Memory of Arno Muijtjens

Arno Muijtjens passed away on 2 April after several few months of illness. The news came as a great shock to all of us. Since 1995, Arno has worked as an associate professor at the Department of Educational Development & Research. His university career started at Maastricht University 39 years ago, on 1 April 1980.

Arno was one of the key players in the department. He was an enthusiastic teacher and researcher. With a lot of patience, he has taught many of us the intricacies of methodology and statistics. Many generations of PhD students looked to his guidance for methodological advice. His passion for the field not only benefited Maastricht, as from all four corners of the globe researchers approached Arno for advice. Arno was also very active abroad as both methodologist and teacher. In 2018 he stopped with his national and international work – somewhat hesitantly - since despite having reached retirement age in 2015, he would have liked to continue.

Arno embraced life: he enjoyed traveling, he sang and played the guitar in a band, he enjoyed long walks with his wife Ineke and his friends – he was very social. Above all else, he embraced his life with Ineke, his children and their partners, and his grandchildren. He was still able to witness the birth of his fourth grandchild.

We will remember Arno as a very knowledgeable, involved, warm and sweet colleague.

We are proud to have been your colleague. Arno, we are going to miss you.

We wish his wife Ineke, children and partners, and his grandchildren a lot of strength.

Arno’s Colleagues form the Department of Educational Development and Research