What does it take to write a play? Find out with this proposal from Toneelgroep Maastricht

On 24 April, you can enjoy A Seagull, an adaptation of the famous play by Anton Chekhov, by Toneelgroep Maastricht (a renowned Dutch theatre company) in Theater aan het Vrijthof. The play is Dutch spoken, but will have English surtitles, which means you can read the English translation on screens above the stage.

About the play

A Seagull is about a theatre family. Arkadina (the mother) is an actress at the height of her career. She feels threatened by a younger generation of actors. She is in a romantic relationship with celebrity author Trigorin, whose talent does not match his fame. Arkadina’s son Konstantin dreams of a career as a playwright. His girlfriend Nina wants to be an actress. All characters hope for a better life, but their hopes are in vain. Dreaming of a different life is always more enjoyable than actually living it. Read more about the play on the website of Toneelgroep Maastricht.  As an introduction to the play, Toneelgroep Maastricht offers you two options:

Toneelgroep Maastricht
Toneelgroep Maastricht

Option 1

Receive an online introduction, do a workshop by a playwright, meet the actors & see the play

  1. Get an online introduction: In your email inbox, you receive the English translation of the script and a subtitled video introduction in which the director, the scenographer and actors speak to you about the production. You will also receive a subtitled video in which the director tells you more about the writing process.
  2. Do a workshop: A live workshop by playwright Timen Jan Veenstra, in which you will learn about the basic principles of writing plays, and you will be introduced to writing short scenes yourself. Date and time: 24 April, 2 PM – 5 PM
  3. Meet the actors: A live reading of your short scenes and Q&A by actors Emma Buysse and Esther Scheldwacht from Toneelgroep Maastricht’s A Seagull.Date and time: 24 April, 6.30 PM – 7.30 PM
  4. See the play: You will visit Toneelgroep Maastricht’s A Seagull with English surtitles in Theater aan het Vrijthof Date and time: 24 April, 8 PM – 10.15 PM

Only 12 students can participate in the workshop.
Fee: €35, - including your visit to the play in Theater aan het Vrijthof.

Option 2

Receive an online introduction & see the play

  1. Get an online introduction: You receive the English translation of the script and a subtitled video introduction in your inbox in which the director, the scenographer and actors speak to you about the production. You will also receive a subtitled video in which the director tells you more about the writing process.
  2. See the play: You will visit Toneelgroep Maastricht’s A Seagull with English surtitles Date and time: 24 April, 8 PM – 10 PM

Fee: €10, - including your visit to the play in Theater aan het Vrijthof.

If you are interested in one of these options, please register by sending an email to dionne@toneelgroepmaastricht.nl before 17 April.
You will receive all the information and payment instructions via email.

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