With Universitas Padjadjaran in Indonesia

The impact of an international law project

Over the last five years, Maastricht University’s Faculty of Law together with Mundo has implemented a project to strengthen education and research in international law at the Faculty of Law at Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD) in Bandung, Indonesia. The project was funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands through its NICHE programme, administered by Nuffic.

The project was completed in 2019. The project aimed at enabling the staff of the international law department at UNPAD in offering better education, using a student-centred learning approach (problem-based learning). The contents of international law courses offered by UNPAD were revised and updated. UNPAD staff was also trained in research methodology, in publishing articles in international journals, in language skills and the use of legal English, and more. A building of the Faculty at its Jatinangor Campus was reconstructed to facilitate state-of-the-art education, including rooms for small-group tutorials, for self-study, two moot court rooms, a large staff room, etc.

This short video, entirely produced by UNPAD, shows the importance and impact of a cooperation like this for UNPAD’s Faculty of Law.

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