People@UM: Enjoy Diversity

People@UM has released a video to showcase diversity at Maastricht University. It was shown on Monday 3 June, at the first event organised as part of the project, one of the winners of a 2018 Diversity & Inclusivity grant.

In the video, students, employees and alumni tell their stories: why did they choose Maastricht University, what are their ambitions, what inspires them, and how do they connect with other people?

People@UM promotes empathy and openness and supports UM’s drive to create an inclusive community. The project sees the sharing of thoughts, experiences and knowledge as its foundation.

“It’s about unexpected encounters, about people listening to each other and talking with each other. Our goal is to develop a better understanding of the differences between people and thus create a more accepting environment.

Since we believe no book is better than human experience, we use the ‘Human Library’ concept, where you can consult people instead of books. The ‘Human Library’ is a place where difficult questions are expected, appreciated and answered. We want to keep the meaningful conversations between people alive and will therefore organise a ‘Human Library’ event that is yet to be announced, at the end of the year.

Everyone who works or studies at Maastricht University is in some way connected to one another. We are all different and everyone gives their own meaning to study or work.”

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