NACCA's fifth training event, Porto, January 2018

16 April 2018

The 3rd Winter School was hosted by the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto, and ran from 15-19 January 2018. It was a great opportunity for the ESRs to share their research with their peers and other professionals.

The 3rd Winter School was hosted by the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto, and ran from 15-19 January 2018. It was a great opportunity for the ESRs to share their research with their peers and other professionals. Through presentations of their projects they were able to contextualise their work, and the feedback sessions stimulated critical reflection and allowed a rewarding exchange with other NACCA researchers. This was done in the beautiful setting of Porto, topped off by wonderful Portuguese food.

Group picture NACCA

The fifth NACCA event, the overall focus of which lay on gaining career-oriented skills, provided the researchers with workshops that will aid them in developing their future career, for instance a workshop on EU funding opportunities or an intense Bootcamp Lean Startup. It also provided an illustrative example of a conservator’s career, through the talk of Filipe Duarte, manager of the Serralves Collection. The session by artists Miguel Carvalhais and Rui Penha on artists’ points of view on the conservation of technology-based works, as well as the visit to the exhibition Mar Novo (FBAUP), with its discussions of decision-making regarding the display of damaged photographs by both a conservator and a curator, were welcome moments to discuss conservation problems in interdisciplinary settings.

Report by: Artemis Rüstau

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