Nikolaj Grauslund Kristensen (N.G.)

Key publications
Kristensen, N. G. (2024). Materialised and Imagined Urban Connectivity: A Study of the Perceived and Represented (Im)Mobilities of Different Sociospatial Neighbourhoods in Danish Cities. [Doctoral Thesis, Aalborg University]. Aalborg University Press.
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Lindberg, M. R., Kristensen, N. G., Freudendal-Pedersen, M., & Hartmann-Petersen, K. (2024). Uneven mobilities and epistemic injustice: towards reflexive mobilities research. Mobilities, 19(1), 134-150.
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Kristensen, N. G. (2024). Consequential Urban Development of Sustainable Strategies. Urban Geography. Advance online publication.
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Kristensen, N. G., Lindberg, M. R., & Freudendal-Pedersen, M. (2023). Urban mobility injustice and imagined sociospatial differences in cities. Cities, 137, Article 104320.
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Büscher, M., Freudendal-Pedersen, M., Kesselring, S., & Kristensen, N. G. (Eds.) (2020). Handbook of Research Methods and Applications for Mobilities. Edward Elgar Publishing. Handbooks of Research Methods and Applications Series
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