
  • Lilian Kloft and Min Wu, both affiliated with the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN), have been awarded Rubicon grants by research funder NWO. This grant gives promising early-stage scientists the opportunity to gain international research experience.

  • SBE alumnus Maxime Croisé (Renneboog) did not follow the typical career-path as you would expect from someone graduating from a Business School. When most of his fellow SBE alumni were signing contracts to work for various companies, Maxime followed his passion and became a magician.

  • In a rapidly changing world faced with environmental challenges and social inequalities, the role of economics education in shaping future leaders is more critical than ever. If we aspire for a sustainable future, it becomes essential to (re)evaluate what we teach our students about economics and...

  • Last Friday, despite the fall of the cabinet, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science published its Internationalisation in Balance bill. Stakeholders can respond to the bill digitally in an online consultation process lasting until mid-September.

  • Since the signing of the declaration of intent of the UN Convention in 2020, Maastricht University works in different ways towards inclusive education. Pamela Habibović, Rector Magnificus, had a conversation with students Carolina, John and Sjoerd, and Disability Officer Sigrid Péters about what...

  • This year, Lea Beiermann earned her PhD from Maastricht University. Her dissertation, A co-operation of observers, examines the role of amateur microscopists in the late 19th century. For her research, she made use of citizen science, similar to the microscopists in her book. One of her supervisors...

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) has gradually become more prevalent in our daily lives. We ask Siri about the weather or have Chat GPT type our work emails. But what does it take to make all these AI-driven devices work?

  • The project "BioBased Circular" has received a grant of €338 million in the third round of the National Growth Fund. The School of Business and Economics is represented in this project by Herman Wories, Programme Director at BISCI.

  • The trailblazing cohort of the Global Studies bachelor programme has graduated. Gaia Gazzara and Vincent Tadday look back on transdisciplinarity, challenging yourself and integrating new perspectives.

  • The signatories of the Dutch Transparency Agreement raise awareness on the major consequences of an abrupt ban on all animals for research purposes, as petitioned by the European Commission (EC). They plea for acceleration of the current route to alternative testing, instead of a sudden ban.