
  • On Tuesday 18 June 2019 Michael Faure gave a lecture at the School for Law and Economics of the China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) in Beijing, China. On the same day, METRO also co-organized an "International Seminar on Competition and Public and Private Regulation" at the Law...

  • The United Nations agency for intellectual property has invited Ana Ramalho to speak at the Korea’s International Forum for Women Inventors. Ana delivered presentations on how to empower women through intellectual property, and how to use intellectual property tools to help women entrepreneurs...

  • Huisarts prof. dr. Jochen Cals hield op 28 juni 2019 aan Maastricht University zijn inaugurele rede over effectieve diagnostiek in de huisartsgeneeskunde. Titel van zijn rede: ‘Komt een test bij de huisarts’. Cals: ‘Ik wil graag bruikbare wetenschap naar de spreekkamer brengen.’

    ZonMw interviewde...

  • European Guideline Education and Cost-Conscious Healthcare (CoCoCare) is a training programme that teaches specialists to develop and implement high-quality, evidence-based guidelines and equips them with competences to act more cost-consciously.

  • The U.S. as Europe’s protector: will Trump turn his back on Europe? Prof. Roberta N. Haar gave the introductory speech at 'De Balie' in Amsterdam.

  • This Annual Report highlights the main activities of the Centre that were undertaken in the year 2018.

  • The highlight of the Maastricht art scene is TEFAF (The European Fine Art Fair), the annual March event that draws hundreds of high-end dealers and collectors and thousands of visitors to the city from all over the world. This year, the same week saw another – smaller – group of international...

  • At Maastricht University’s School of Business and Economics (SBE), our academics regularly carry out research that has a direct impact on society. Today, we sit down with one of these academics: Professor Antoon Pelsser who regularly contributes to the nation-wide debate surrounding pension funds in...

  • Jacco de Vries wins prize for best thesis at the Large Hadron Collider from CERN.