
  • In this article, we spoke with two of the PhD candidates from the School of Business and Economics participating in the EU-funded project LIMES to find out what drew them to the project and to get an update on their research so far.

  • A sonic artwork, consisting of a collection of spoken messages, is the impressive result of a special project in the Euregion.

  • WUN Brexit event


    Maastricht University’s President Prof. dr. Martin Paul has completed his time as Chair of the Partnership Board at Worldwide Universities Network (WUN). He looks back on a time that really brought home the idea of global challenges.

  • This week, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2020 to Paul Milgrom and Robert Wilson 'for improvements to auction theory and inventions of new auction formats'. The news of the prize was received with great...

  • On 18 September Dutch Minister Koolmees answered parliamentary questions about the possibility for pensioners abroad to pass on their proof of life via an app. This concerns a case in which ITEM, together with Advisor on Frontier Work for the MEP Jeroen Lenaers, has worked on in favour of persons...

  • In a groundbreaking study, a team from Maastricht University recently demonstrated the link between indoor climate quality and the health of office users. A healthier building leads to a healthier employee and lower absenteeism.

  • The outbreak of COVID-19 meant that, as of mid-March, education at UM suddenly had to be offered entirely online. Together with their team, Nicolai Manie, programme manager for online education, and Simon Beausaert, associate professor of Workplace Learning, faced the almost impossible task of...

  • PhD thesis written by Alejandra De la Fuente Vilar.
    Some witnesses of crime do not want to cooperate with the police during the police investigation, and their participation is not obligatory. This PhD research focuses on the promotion of cooperation during witness interviews.

  • PhD thesis written by Constantijn van Aartsen.
    Corporations are the most powerful economic entities in contemporary society. The main finding in this thesis is that existing regulatory approaches in corporate law, corporate governance and corporate social responsibility are methodologically...

  • The tool I-HARP (Identifying Heart Failure Patients with Palliative Care Needs) has been launched recently This tool facilitates caregivers in the timely identification of palliative care needs in patients with advanced heart failure and their loved ones.