
  • The newly drafted coalition agreement of the Municipality of Maastricht demonstrates the importance of Maastricht’s international position and cooperation, the ITEM Expertise Centre concludes. In the official document, which was signed on June 11th 2018, several ambitions on (Euro)regional level are...

  • This Annual Report highlights the main activities of the Centre that were undertaken in the year 2017.

  • On Wednesday June 27th 2018 Zvezda Vankova will defend her doctoral dissertation about circular migration in the Eastern partnership countries. The project is part of the TRANSMIC project and has the aim to analyse the implementation of the EU’s approach to circular migration and its impact on the...

  • This week the Faculty received the sad news that on Friday 15 June 2018 Prof. Raoul van Caenegem passed away at the age of 90 in his hometown of Gent. Prof. Van Caenegem was a legal historian of worldwide renown. 

  • mcel

    Annual report

    We are pleased to share with you the latest issue of the MCEL Annual Report. We hope that this will help us to learn yet more from each other!

  • After her medical studies in Maastricht, Marijke Wijnroks went to work in poor countries, often in dangerous circumstances. Now, as a policymaker and manager at The Global Fund, she has joined the fight against the near-ineradicable diseases of tuberculosis, malaria and AIDS.

  • In a report published today, the Dutch Safety Board concludes that current safety and risk management at the complex comply with the applicable regulations and rules.

  • Maastricht University (UM) has come in at 15th in QS’s Top 50 Under 50, a ranking of the world’s top universities under 50 years old.