
  • Inspired by his own life and education, SBE alumnus Thanh Binh Tran created Moonshot Mission, a digital platform with the aim of eliminating extreme poverty by connecting donors with NGOs that utilise proven scientific methods to have the greatest possible impact per Euro invested. In this blog...

  • The new report based on the HBO Monitor shows that HBO graduates experience more stress in their work than before the corona pandemic. On the other hand, unemployment figures among this group have changed relatively little.

  • PhD thesis written by Craig Eggett.
    This study considered the nature of “general principles of law” in the international legal system. While much is known about treaties and customary law, there is a tendency to overlook foundational theoretical questions about general principles in international...

  • law_blog_niels_philipsen_china

    Recent blogs

    Today, a blog by Niels Philipsen was published as a Faculty of Law blog. Earlier this year, Mariolina Eliantonio, Sarah Schoenmaekers, Michael Faure (with Yu Yan) and Marjan Peeters also published in Law Blogs Maastricht.

  • 'Stopping Alzheimer’s before it starts' is the slogan of a new, nationwide, collaborative project in the Netherlands. The Alzheimer Centrum Limburg, a leader in research into the influence of lifestyle on the prevention of dementia, is one of the participants.

  • The Co-creation Impact Compass supports healthcare researchers to select helpful and valid co-creation tools for the right purpose and at the right moment. 

  • Queen Máxima spoke online on Tuesday, April 6, with researchers, psychiatrists, a general practitioner and the MIND patient organization. The digital working visit was devoted to the effects of the corona crisis on mental health. On behalf of UM, psychiatrist and researcher Suzanne van Bronswijk...

  • This Annual Report highlights the main activities of the Centre that were undertaken in the year 2020. 

  • Participants in Pensioenfonds Detailhandel want sustainable investments, even if this yields less investment return. This is evident from research by Maastricht University in 2018, and was confirmed during a second study in 2020.