
  • Terra Mosana invites citizens of the Euregio to make their languages heard. Participants are asked to record themselves via WhatsApp while they pronounce these seven sentences in their own dialect/language and send it to +31 6 8747 3826. These messages will be compiled into a sonic artwork.


  • The Assessment of Corona Burden Tool (Corona Ziektelastmeter), developed by Lung Foundation Netherlands and CAPHRI, helps people who were infected with the novel coronavirus to get more control over the complaints they may experience.

  • The COVID-19 crisis represents a common threat for all 27 member states of the European Union; however, Europe has been criticised for being slow to formulate a collective response. We reached out to Prof. Clemens Kool, professor of Macroeconomics and International Monetary Economics to hear his...

  • Anyone hoping to buy a house in Amsterdam for a better price after the Covid-19 pandemic is likely to be disappointed. Historically, the city has proven extremely resilient after outbreaks of major pandemics such as the plague.

  • On Thursday 16 April, GLobalization & Law Network inaugurated a series of bi-weekly meetings, where the members present their ongoing research in an informal setting.

  • The UM Diversity & Inclusivity Grant has enabled three students to travel and share the landscapes, people and customs that shaped them. UM Heritage’s Daniel Bogdanski talks about their journey to discovering their own and each other’s heritage.

  • This year the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has granted 15 projects (of 34 submitted) to start exploring new and challenging ideas in the context of open and online education. As many as 5 of these project proposals have been submitted by colleagues at Maastricht University (UM).

  • Joep Leerssen, Professor of European Studies at the University of Amsterdam and special chair Limburg and Europe at FASoS, has won the Madame de Staël Prize for Cultural Values.

  • Fatigue, headaches, irritability, or sleep problems? These might be symptoms of stress caused by the unfamiliar demands of working from home. Angelique de Rijk studies work stress in nurses – and worries about the current situation and the transition back to normal.