
  • PhD thesis written by Nishara Mendis.
    "National Policy Space in the WTO General Agreement on Trade in Services: with Special Reference to Public Health Services".

  • Hundreds of graphics cards will power the LHCb detector’s initial data filter, which is tasked with selecting which particle collision events will be saved and studied at the Large Hadron Collider’s LHCb experiment. One of the driving forces behind the innovation is Dr. Daniel Cámpora. 

  • Almost three years ago, Timor El-Dardiry, a graduate of International Economic Studies at UM, moved to Washington DC to work at the Dutch Embassy. As First Secretary in the political department, his main focus is on US policy in the Arab world and the Middle East.


    This article is part of 'We're...

  • COVID-19, the third outbreak of coronavirus in 20 years, wasn’t exactly unpredictable. Professor Pim Martens, who tries to integrate scientific knowledge and animal advocacy, talks about how zoonoses, infectious diseases that jump from animals to humans, foreground the complex interconnectedness of...

  • Emeritus professor Ernst Homburg has been appointed as member of merit at the Royal Netherlands Chemical Society (KNCV).

  • Getting a PhD in the arts is now possible in Limburg. It can be done in MERIAN, a collaboration in the area of artistic research between Zuyd Hogeschool, Maastricht University and the Jan van Eyck Academie.

  • Maurice Zeegers is not only professor of Complex Genetics and Epidemiology, but also scientific director of the Maastricht research school CAPHRI (Care and Public Health Research Institute). And during these corona times, he also functions as research partner of the WHO Evidence Collaborative. A...

  • Recognition & Rewards represents no less than a fundamental shift in the Dutch academic world. The programme has come about partly through the spirited advocacy of the youngest rector magnificus in the country.

  • PhD thesis written by Luisa Cortat.
    Legal Remedies Against the Plastic Pollution of the Oceans: an analysis of the attempts from public international law and private initiatives to face the plastic soup.

  • Face-to-face contact must be organised as soon as possible, not only for on-site teaching but for all students. Character development is the foundation of university education.