
  • Are you a post-doc researcher, with more than 5 years’ research experience, and do you have the ambition to improve your knowledge and skills to become a leading researcher in the field of public health and care research? The Public Health and Care Research leadership programme is designed to...

  • Anna Schueth (Department of Cognitive Neuroscience, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience) is a post-doctoral researcher, who recently received a NWO VENI grant to further develop and apply her ground-breaking, light-sheet microscope prototype, which she co-developed and set up in the lab at...

  • The Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE) at Maastricht University (UM) will begin offering a new bachelor's programme in ‘Circular Engineering’ in September 2021. This course will provide in a new kind of engineer, trained not just in one field, but in a wide variety of disciplines.

  • De Universiteit Maastricht is trots dat @Ease dit jaar één van de kandidaten is voor een Appeltje van Oranje! Het thema van de Appeltjes van Oranje is dit jaar Mentale Kracht. Dat betekent dat de prijzen dit jaar gaan naar projecten die zich inzetten voor mensen die het mentaal niet gemakkelijk...

  • Research has shown that women are more heavily impacted by the corona crisis than men. In a timely response to this challenging reality, the Elinor Ostrom Fund five grants to female academics as part of its semi-annual grants programme. We reached out to the most recent grant winners to learn more...

  • PhD thesis written by Leonie Ayoub.
    The thesis attempts to bring coherence to the manner in which international courts and tribunals interpret international law, how they reason out their decisions, and the subsequent effect that this has had upon the institutions themselves.

  • To tackle urgent planetary challenges such as resource depletion and climate change, we need to fundamentally rethink the way we do business. As part of her research, Professor Nancy Bocken explores how companies might experiment with new sustainable business models, contributing to a more...

  • PhD thesis written by Enide Maegherman.
    This thesis researched the role of falsification in legal decision-making. Namely, how judges consider exonerating evidence and alternative scenarios. This was researched in practice through a survey, interviews, and a case study.

  • UM students Vincent and Laura Nieboer, inspired by their father, came up with an accessible concept to help farmers worldwide stop the depletion of agricultural land. They recently pitched their idea at the ‘Little big talks’ on the occasion of the celebration of 80 years of materials science and...