
  • The pilot project Web of Laws is working to develop tools that quickly filter the relevant rulings for lawyers—with FAIR data use and open science as important anchors.

  • Placeholder

    Open Access Week

    Open Science is an international phenomenon that is increasingly taking concrete shape at Maastricht University (UM). Among its aims is the goal of making science ‘as open as possible’ and ‘as closed as necessary’.

  • PhD thesis written by Sieb Kingma. After the 2008 global financial crisis, the international tax landscape really changed. Intergovernmental organizations such as the G20, OECD and UN are working on a fundamental reform of the international tax regime to make multinational enterprises and rich...

  • Lawyers are often seen as ‘bookworms’, who are not averse to combing through the literature. But searching through ten thousand court rulings for the one that is most relevant can be too much for even the hungriest bookworm. The pilot project Web of Laws is therefore working to develop tools that...

  • At the Aurora ceremony in Yerevan (Armenia) on 9 October 2019, the prestigious (fourth) annual Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity was awarded to Mirza Dinnayi, co-founder and director of Luftbrücke Irak (Air Bridge Iraq).

  • (This news item is only available in Dutch). Rechterlijke autoriteiten moeten bij het uitvaardigen en uitvoeren van Europese aanhoudingsbevelen (EAB’s) met betrekking tot verstekveroordelingen niet van hun nationale recht, maar van het Europese recht uitgaan. Dat is een van de belangrijkste...

  • Well done students!

    On the 2nd of September, there was a kick-off of the City Deal Creating Knowledge Maastricht (CDCK> M), a project in which 175 students from Zuyd Hogeschool and Maastricht University participate. These students are committed to improving the quality of life in Mariaberg and Randwyck. In the past 6...

  • mollgaard

    From Viking to dean

    A conversation with the Dane Peter Møllgaard, professor Industrial Organisation and dean of the Maastricht School of Business and Economics (SBE), on role models, family, sustainable energy and the best risotto. On Friday 1 November he will deliver his inaugural lecture.

  • Research on the legal issues surrounding new technologies has become a fixture at most universities. What has received less attention is how AI itself can be applied in the study and practice of law. This is where the Maastricht Law and Tech Lab comes in.

  • Another feature on BNR Nieuwsradio: Dr. Jerry Spanakis discusses the Law&Tech lab. (Report in Dutch)