
  • The Menno Knetsch Award 2021 has been awarded to MSc Biobased Materials graduate Matilde della Fontana. Matilde completed her thesis at the sustainability group of the Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials (AMIBM) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Yvonne van der Meer.

  • In the new bachelor’s program, Circular Engineering, students learn how to design production processes in different industries as circularly as possible.

  • According to the United Nations, poverty means not being able to provide for the basic necessities of life. Even in a rich country like the Netherlands, more and more people are affected by poverty, certainly after the COVID-19 pandemic. Often there is so-called silent poverty, because you don’t...

  • The July edition of I/O Magazine features a portrait of the DKE SwarmLab and its members.

  • Two Indonesian PhD candidates are scheduled to defend their theses in the coming months. Both candidates are staff members of the international law department of the Faculty of Law of Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD), and the defence of their PhD research is the last in a chain of activities...

  • Obtaining your PhD Cum Laude is not something that happens very often. FPN’s Lilian Kloft has managed to do it, while expecting twins. Last month, Lilian defended her PhD thesis at the Minderbroedersberg and was granted the Cum Laude distinction.

    We talked to Lilian over Zoom, she’s at home on...

  • Katrina Serpa moved from Coral Springs, Florida, US, to Maastricht to combine her interests in criminology and psychology and study the Master in Forensic Psychology. She graduated in 2015 after completing the programme, including a 2nd year internship at the University of Florida in Gainesville.

  • The Dutch Research Council (NWO) today awarded a Hestia grant to two researchers, who will receive a UM appointment funded by the ‘Hestia – Impulse for Refugees in Science’ pilot, which was launched in 2018.