
  • As Russia’s geopolitical isolation deepens and economic sanctions begin to bite hard, one wonders what possessed Vladimir Putin to start his war in Ukraine? Will international sanctions help end the violence? And is there still a way to deescalate? FASoS’ Giselle Bosse on the anatomy of a...

  • Prof. dr. dr. A.J. Roefs, affiliated with Maastricht University of Maastricht University (UM), has received a Vici grant of €1.5 million from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).

  • Collaboration across the border between different healthcare professionals and institutions can count on broad approval. In practice, however, it is more difficult. Investing in communication, personal encounters and a shared awareness of the differences between them can be part of the solution.

  • Mareike Opeña has joined MACCH as an external PhD candidate with a project focusing on decision-making processes in conservation for the contemporary art market. Her research is predominantly located in New York City, where she has lived and worked in private practice conservation for the past...

  • Nutritional claims such as 'light', 'low in fat', 'extra protein' have become more the norm than the exception on the products you come across in the supermarket. Is it a marketing ploy or is it a way to make people aware of healthy food?

  • Terwijl we beelden zien van een gebombardeerd kinderziekenhuis, worden Russen tussen afleveringen van ‘The Masked Singer’ bediend door staatspropaganda die de oorlog presenteert die niet zo mag worden genoemd als een humanitaire reddingsoperatie.

  • De helft van de volwassenen in Nederland had vorig jaar overgewicht, en dat is net zoveel als bij de invoering van het Nationaal Preventieakkoord in 2018. Het doel daarvan is onder meer om overtollige kilo's te bestrijden.

  • The Maastricht University MSP student team wins the first KIVI Engineering Student Team Award with their innovation Methagone. Their innovation, a food supplement made by bacteria that causes cows to emit less methane (greenhouse gas), has been declared the winner by the Royal Institute of Engineers...

  • A paper on thermoplastic scaffolds in tissue regeneration, resulting from an inter-faculty collaboration with Prof. Jules Harings of the Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials (AMIBM) and members of Lorenzo Moroni's group, has won the Gordon E. Pike Prize for the JMR Paper of the Year.