
  • The NWO has awarded two grants to projects of the Maastricht Law and Tech Lab under its Idea Generator Programme.


  • Studio Europa Maastricht spoke with Clemens Kool, professor of Monetary and Financial Economics, about a monetary union that continues drifting apart. His conclusion? “We haven’t developed sufficient mechanisms to absorb shocks together.”

  • The first visible steps towards realisation of ETpathfinder are finally complete.

  • The idea behind 'internative' is simple: connecting students and companies through a WhatsApp integration platform for a quick, down-to-earth, personal approach. The project was officially launched in October 2019, in those hazy, carefree pre-Covid days on the Maastricht terraces. It was born from...

  • The north tower of the Faculty of Science and Engineering building was finished on 29 June and is open to receive its students and staff.

  • Dirk Ruwaard, Daan Westra (RL Creating Value-Based Health Care) and their team received a ZonMw grant of €493.413 for their research project 'Improve, adapt, overwork? Understanding and learning from hospitals' adaptations to COVID-19 and their effects on professional functioning and recovery'.

  • The ICARUS project will be carried out in close collaboration with the IMS CORE lab at the M4I division of Imaging Mass Spectrometry, ​where CriPec® nanoparticle microlocalisation and drug release in tumours will be evaluated.

  • Eva and Romy, two students at the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences at UM, took a year of from their studies to direct the Patient as a Person foundation (Mens Achter de Patiënt (in Dutch: Mens achter de Patiënt), or in short MAP. MAP advocates for human-centered care in the field of...

  • Professor of Philosophy of Public Health Klasien Horstman and Belgian artist Marlies Vermeulen have won this year’s Mingler Scholarship for their project Bacteria & Borders. Experimental cartography between art, lab & (daily) life. They plan to study and make tangible the realities of infectious...