
  • This story starts in 2016, when Aaron Martin is still studying International Business in Maastricht. He is surprised by the growing anti-European sentiment at the time. Together with some fellow students, he wants to raise a positive voice. And what better way to do so than with a European football...

  • Match is for students who want to develop themselves while making a social contribution in Maastricht. A good example is the Match For Brighter Futures (MFBF) project, in which UM students give secondary school students extra attention and guidance when doing homework. 

  • The Norwegian Ministry of Finance regularly asks experts for a thorough analysis of the Norwegian Oil Fund. Last year, Rob Bauer, professor of Finance at the School of Business and Economics and holder of the Elverding Chair on Sustainable Business, culture, and corporate regulation, was among three...

  • METRO is happy to present two 'young doctors', who recently defended their PhD thesis successfully. One defence took place in late 2021 (Dr. Huizi Ai), the other in early 2022 (Dr. Marie Abalo).

  • This January, two hundred randomly selected citizens will discuss the future of European migration during the Conference on the Future of Europe, with Maastricht hosting the Conference’s migration programme. Studio Europa Maastricht poses the four questions up for discussion to professor of...

  • The Fair and Smart Data (FSD) spearhead held on December 8th 2021, its first Webinar titled “Fair and Smart Data – Create a Better World on a Liveable Planet."

  • The world order is shifting. Putin continues to taunt Europe. China’s global expansionism seems limitless. And how to respond to the United States’ renewed desire for cooperation? The European Union’s answer should be greater strategic autonomy, says Sophie Vanhoonacker, professor of Administrative...

  • In the new episode of Café Europa, writer and cultural historian David van Reybrouck is a guest. Journalist Annette van Soest and professor of European history Mathieu Segers talk to him about citizen participation and the Conference on the Future of Europe. Café Europa is a Dutch podcast by Haagsch...

  • Nederland heeft een schreeuwende behoefte aan nieuwe woningen. Maar waar kunnen die in hemelsnaam gebouwd worden?