
  • UM researchers find that sensation seeking is a decisive factor in participating in painful experiments.

  • Almost everyone will have low back pain at some point in their lives. It can affect anyone at any age, and it is increasing – disability due to back pain has risen by more than 50% since 1990.

  • CIN new interfaculty cooperation for Integrative Neuroscience launched

  • Ana Ramalho (Assistant Professor of Intellectual Property Law) has been awarded a grant within the framework of the WUN Research Mobility Programme. She will be conducting research in collaboration with the University of Auckland. The topic of the project is "Reconciliation of intellectual property...

  • Based on two international review articles published this week, professor Fred Brouns of Maastricht University (UM) concludes that reducing one’s intake of carbohydrates is fine, but a drastic reduction is best avoided.

  • Insomnia is a serious social problem, which affects more than one in ten Dutch people. The sustainable solution is called ‘cognitive behavioural therapy’. Merijn van de Laar, behavioural scientist at the UM department of General Practice, obtained his PhD on this subject at Maastricht University...

  • Various surveys (the national survey conducted by the Dutch Trade Union Confederation (FNV) and the Scientist's Union (VAWO) in 2017 and the UM work perception survey from 2015) have shown that employees of universities experience a high to extremely high work load at work. Agreements about how to...

  • On 16 March, prof. dr. Angelique de Rijk will have her inaugural lecture (in Dutch) titled “Arbeidsre-integratie blijft mensenwerk” at 4.30 p.m. at Minderbroedersberg 4-6.

  • The Keuzegids Masters 2018 has been published, and this year 5 Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN) programmes (or to which FPN contributes) have been reviewed: I sat down with Prof. dr. Rob Ruiter, Vice-Dean of Education to discuss the results.

  • Sally Wyatt will coordinate a nation-wide VSNU initiative to conduct research about the ‘digital society' and to consolidate the Dutch position.