Open Call for young researchers!

19 September 2024

The Nanne de Vries Professor’s Fund calls on recently promoted researchers to apply for a grant! Are you at the start of your scientific career, but is a lack of funding holding back your research? Then this call for proposals may be of interest to you. The fund offers financial support to academic talent, thereby helping UM research take an important step forward.

The Nanne de Vries Professor’s Fund, formerly known as ‘Professor’s Fund’, is an initiative by UM professors. Since last April, the fund bears the name of emeritus professor Nanne de Vries. The underlying idea is that professors, from their special responsibility and exemplary role, want to help young scientific talent. Since 2014, the fund has awarded over 77,000 euros to 34 researchers.

Apply for the grant

Newly-promoted researchers (up to 6 years after finishing their PhD research) can apply for a grant for financial support for their (research) projects. Think of travel and accommodation costs, costs for writing/completing an article for a leading journal, or realising a pilot study. There is a maximum of €3,500 per application. The deadline is Friday 25 October; early December you will be notified about your application.

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