Online Bachelor's Open Day attracts many visitors

There was great interest in our fully online Bachelor Open Day again last Saturday. The mostly live event attracted nearly 3000 visitors from 80 countries on the day itself.

Earlier in the week, the platform had already been opened for a sneak preview of various pre-recorded presentations and general information. Another 1070 visitors had visited the open day before it had started.

The platform, built up in a relatively short period of time last autumn, had been renewed and refreshed for this edition. The aim was to make it more user-friendly and to provide clear information about the study programmes.

The Open Day platform allows prospective students to create a personal 'itinerary' for the day. They can select a range of interactive events such as live presentations, virtual campus tours and Q&As about study programmes and student life in Maastricht. On the day itself, the answers are given directly by students and staff, with technical support from external parties.

The Open Day was also highlighted in an interactive story on Facebook and Instagram where bachelor's student Tessa provided information and tips about UM and its bachelor's programmes and about many practical matters.

The platform will remain open for another week.

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