
  • On October 25, the international research consortium iCARE4CVD was established. The consortium aims to gain more insight into cardiovascular diseases and future ways to prevent and cure them.

  • Job van den Hurk

    “We are all brain”

    Job van den Hurk is a neuroscientist and scientific director at ultra-high field MRI center Scannexus at the Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus. However, he is best known as the host of the TV show Brainstorm on ZAPP. “Critical thinking should be a subject taught in elementary school.”

  • Interview with Anja van Bogaert about her challenges and learning moments working on integrating sustainability at UM.

  • AV&S2211

    AV&S symposium 2023

    Op 22 november a.s. vindt een AV&S symposium plaats over de invloed van verzekering op compensatie van schade. De verzekerbaarheid in Nederland is de afgelopen decennia toegenomen. Toch zijn er nog vragen over de grenzen van verzekerbaarheid en onder meer of de schade als gevolg van (natuur)rampen...

  • Interview with Daisy Jonkers in UM magazine. Daisy Jonkers, scientific director of the NUTRIM research institute, is calling for more inclusivity and diversity in scientific research.

  • A group of ten hospitals, clinics and partners will conduct research into sustainable surgery at the initiative of Maastricht UMC. CAREFREE is a collaborative research project in mission-driven innovation on sustainable surgery.

  • Five teams have been selected to compete in the 2023 edition of the AppChallenge@UM dedicated to enhancing the teaching or learning experience at Maastricht University. We received proposals from several faculties and it's interesting to see the variety of ideas the teams came up with for designing...

  • The white heterosexual middle-aged man is implicitly the norm in medical education materials. But not for much longer, if Albertine Zanting has her way. As a PhD candidate, she studies the cultural diversity in medical education, and as a policy advisor, she translates her research findings into...

  • Remzi Celebi, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Data Science (IDS) and technical co-coordinator for the AIDAVA project, discusses how Artificial Intelligence, data curation automation and knowledge graphs are used to give patients more control of their health data.

  • SBE academics reflect on Claudia Goldin's efforts towards advancing our understanding of the gender gap and women's job outcomes.