
  • On 19 April 2017 AACSB International announced that it will be extending the business accreditation of Maastricht University’s School of Business and Economics (SBE). Founded in 1916, AACSB is the longest-serving global accrediting body for business schools that offer undergraduate, master's, and...

  • Maastricht students score high in national and international moot courts and moot competitions.

  • In a recent article published in the prestigious Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Gijs van Dijck, professor of Private Law at Maastricht University, examined whether court-ordered apologies serve a purpose.

  • From Wednesday 10 May, children are welcomed once again for an impression of the world of science. KidzCollege receives group 8 pupils of elementary schools in the region for a series of lectures.

  • MCEL Researcher A. Hoogeboom receives award in European Law Faculties Association 2016 doctoral thesis competition on European law

  • Less than 1% of Dutch children eats 150 gram vegetables per day, as recommended by the WHO. Therefore, it should become custom to eat vegetables during breakfast and lunch.

  • Lyme borreliosis, or Lyme disease, is the most highly reported tick-related infectious disease in Europe and North America. Until effective measures are introduced to control tick populations in nature and until a vaccine is developed, we have to rely on health education to prevent tick bites and...

  • Sandra Schipper and Mark van den Hurk, who both took their PhD in December 2016, received a Rubicon grant from research financing institution NWO. This grant gives young, highly promising researchers the opportunity to gain international research experience

  • After the successful completion of the Cross-border impact assessment in 2016, its dossiers are being being followed up on and the subjects of the 2017 assessment have been determined.