
  • For any food and agriculture supply chain actor with a sustainability target, carbon farming is a promising solution. But supply chain actors are not the first to look at carbon farming to meet these targets. What are the consequences, and how can we tackle them?

  • UM researcher Simone Schleper is trying to tackle sustainability related problems at its root in history.

  • As of September 1st, Vivian van Saaze stepped down from her role as director of the interfaculty and transdisciplinary Maastricht Centre for Arts and Culture, Conservation and Heritage (MACCH). She is succeeded by Claartje Rasterhoff.

  • Sitting still in a hall? A classical concert can be different

  • How old is the Prinsjesdag suitcase?

  • It was an eye-opening moment: a few years’ ago, I attended a huge conference on microfinance, together with one of my PhD students. In attendance at the conference was a nice mix of academics and practitioners. Our paper, presented by my PhD student, was about what has become known as ‘mission drift...

  • lunchconcerts

    Lunch Concerts at FASoS

    During the academic year 2022-2023 you can enjoy short concerts of classical music once per month in the lecture hall "Turnzaal" at FASoS, sponsored by MACCH.

  • Emma Moulds

    The Patchwork in the Sky

    PhD thesis written by Emma Moulds.
    This research critically examines how the eight largest global markets regulate airlines from the three different perspectives of trade and market access, investment and airline alliances.

  • Hannah Brodersen, currently working as a postdoc at the Université de Neuchâtel (Switzerland), was awarded the Prize for her Doctoral thesis ‘Longer than life: How the ICTY strengthened the rule of law in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia’.

  • An organ that disappears almost completely after puberty, but in rare cases can regrow in size and even harbor a tumor: the thymus, also known as the thymus. Physician-researcher Florit Marcuse, affiliated with Maastricht University's Faculty of Health Medicine and Life Sciences, examined this...