
  • An interview with UM students who joined the Asia-Europe summer school about their experiences.

  • Een groot deel van het geld voor zorg wordt besteed aan een kleine groep Nederlanders. Dirk Ruwaard, hoogleraar public health and health care innovation, reageert in Trouw. 

  • Upon his retirement, Jan Muijtjens was handed the Maastricht University Medallion of Honour by Professor Martin Paul, chairman of the UM Executive Board, on 13 December.

  • Donovan Livingston, the Harvard graduate who reached a global audience of 13 million people with his innovative speech on education, was in Maastricht to speak about the transformative power of education in the Ambassador Lecture Series

  • Dr Cameron Browne comes from a game-playing family: ‘My mother valued the developmental potential of games, and my grandmother was the meanest Scrabble player I’ve ever encountered’. It is therefore not a coincidence that Browne has spent a large portion of his academic life researching games and...

  • When professionals and students move to other countries to either work or study there, they may need recognition of their qualifications. Different instruments and procedures exist depending on the purpose of mobility. Despite the fact that such instruments mainly aim at facilitating mobility...

  • De ITEM quick scan maakt een eerste inschatting mogelijk in hoeverre een onderwerp een verdere beoordeling vergt wat mogelijke grenseffecten betreft. ITEM heeft de quick scan toegepast op beleidsvoornemens die in het Nederlandse Regeerakkoord van 2017 worden genoemd. 

  • newsletter pag 1

    MCEL Newsletter 2017-2

    The latest news from the Maastricht Centre for European Law.

  • In 2018 also, the International Mother Language Day will be celebrated on Wednesday, 21 February. The Veldeke Mestreech foundation, which strives for the promotion of the Maastricht dialect, wishes to make a special day of it together with Maastricht University.