New: Maastricht Centre for the Innovation of Classical Music

The Maastricht Centre for the Innovation of Classical Music (MCICM) is a new interdisciplinary research centre that will support revitalising developments in the classical music sector. With the appointment of Peter Peters as professor of Innovation of Classical Music at Maastricht University on 1 September, the centre will take a more concrete shape. Over the past years, Peters has been intimately involved in the development of this initiative by South Netherlands Philharmonic, Zuyd Hogeschool and Maastricht University. The centre will also receive funding from the Province of Limburg and the Municipality of Maastricht.

Orchestra as ‘academic hospital’
The scientific and practical artistic research of the MCICM will be embedded in the three participating organisations (UM, Zuyd Hogeschool and South Netherlands Philharmonic). Peters: “The South Netherlands Philharmonic plays much the same part in this collaboration between MCICM and orchestra as a university medical centre does in the context of medical research. By allowing the musicians and the artists of tomorrow to participate, you create a research environment by which all the involved parties will inevitably benefit.”

About Peter Peters
Peters (Amsterdam, 1960) specialised in a combination of scientific and practice-based research in the arts. He studied sociology and philosophy at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen after which he worked as a classical music journalist for, amongst others, NRC Handelsblad; he was also editor in chief of Mens en Melodie. In 2003, he completed his PhD at Maastricht University with a dissertation on travel in technological cultures. From 2007 to 2013, in addition to his position as a university lecturer at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS) at Maastricht University, he was professor at the research centre of the Arts Faculty at Zuyd Hogeschool. His published works include Klankwerelden. De twintigste eeuw van Reinbert de Leeuw (Sound Worlds - The 20th Century of Reinbert de Leeuw) and, together with Maaike Meijer and Jac van den Bogaard, Rieu. Maestro zonder grenzen (Rieu. Maestro without Borders). Currently, Peters manages the NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research) Smart Culture project Artful Participation. Doing Artistic Research with Symphonic Music Audiences.

Peters regards the MCICM as a chance to support the many innovative initiatives in the world of classical music: “This structural collaboration between scholars, practice-based artistic researchers, art students, and professionals as well as amateur musicians, all within the context of the very same problem context, is unique in the world”.

Read more about the launch of MCICM in 2017.

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