
  • More than a thousand prospective master's students visited Maastricht University's open day last Saturday .They came to experience the atmosphere and learn more about the master's programmes, Problem-Based Learning, the UM buildings and the good life in Maastricht.

  • On 09 November, Maastricht University hosted the Dutch Day on Optimisation. At this one-day workshop speakers from Amsterdam, Twente and Brussels presented some of the latest research in this exciting field.


    The paper addresses the practical implementation of Climate Resilient Development Pathways (CRDPs) for smallholder farmers, focusing on agroforestry projects in the Global South. It offers hands-on insights to make CRDPs more actionable, serving as a valuable tool for practitioners and...

  • How do you fix a crack in limestone, such as mergel? Well, simply ask some bacteria to do it for you. In short, this is the goal 11 students from Maastricht University set themselves to do. They succeeded and ended up in the TOP10 best undergraduate projects competing in the iGEM competition. For...

  • Together with Shanti Sumartojo, Lisa Grocott and Michael Mintrom from Monash University, AU, Sally Wyatt has been awarded funding in the Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Projects scheme.

  • The recent violence in Israel and the Palestinian territories has deeply affected us all. Our sympathies go out to everyone affected and concerned about the well-being of loved ones.

  • Have you ever considered taking your classroom outside and using the city of Maastricht and its surroundings as a learning landscape? That's precisely what was discussed at the latest Teach-Meet session hosted by EDLAB on 25 October 2023.

  • Imagine walking down the supermarket aisle, looking for a snack. While your stomach craves a decadent treat, your brain nudges you toward a healthier choice. Amidst this internal tug-of-war, your eyes land on a brightly labeled "Low Fat" granola bar. It's perfect, you think, a guilt-free and healthy...

  • Nikola Prianikov came from Kyiv to study Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Maastricht. He talks about how UM’s Foundation Programme opens doors for international talent, how he enjoyed his study experience despite war and pestilence, and how the Netherlands has come to seem like a viable...

  • UMagazine

    A fan of the snack bar

    For Klasien Horstman, professor of Philosophy of Public Health, science is the “realm of freedom.” Unfortunately, reality is more intractable. She is irritated by the patronising lifestyle interventions imposed top-down on groups that have been epidemiologically classified as high risk. “The ‘you...