Indian delegation visits FHML/MUMC+

On 20 March a delegation from India representing hospitals, universities and companies visited the Maastricht UMC+. They focused on eHealth issues such as Chronic Diseases, Elderly Care and Mental Health. Employees from the Dutch Embassy, Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) and the Task Force Health Care were also part of this delegation.

The visitors obtained more information about some of the eHealth applications such as Psymate, MijnIBD coach, Mijn Hartfalen Coach and eHealthy Living. The MUMC+ presented also the collaborations with India.

The visit was part of a multi-day tour through the Netherlands with visits to the Ministry of Health (VWS), Radboud UMC+, Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen, TU Eindhoven and several network meetings with companies and knowledge institutes.

Delegatie uit India bezoekt MUMC+

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