Dr Zvezda Vankova (Law) receives Rubicon grant

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded Dr Zvezda Vankova of the Faculty of Law a Rubicon grant that allows her to conduct research at the University of Lund (Sweden) for a period of 24 months. The Rubicon programme is intended to give young, highly promising researchers the opportunity to gain international research experience. Vankova is one of the 16 researchers, who have recently gained their PhDs, that will do research at foreign research institutions with a Rubicon grant from NWO.

Dr Zvezda Vankova will conduct research on refugee policy: The United Nations has proposed that refugees should have facilitated access to admission into a country as labour migrants. Vankova will examine this idea to assess whether it is a feasible option in the EU context.

Top institutions
Thanks to the Rubicon grant young researchers can do their research at top institutions such as Lund University and Harvard. The majority of the researchers will go abroad for a period of 24 months. A total of 13 Rubicon researchers are going abroad for 24 months, one is going for 22 months and two will go for 18 months. For many researchers, experience abroad is an important step in their career. The awards concern the first funding round of 2019.

Facts and figures
61 researchers submitted a proposal for Rubicon, 28 of them women and 33 men. The overall award rate was 26.2%. The award rate was 28.6% for women and 24.2% for men. Five laureates are going to the United States, three to the United Kingdom, two to Germany and the rest of the individual candidates are going to Australia, Switzerland, Sweden, Canada, France and Denmark.

With a Rubicon grant, researchers can spend up to 24 months doing research at a foreign institution. The size of the grant is dependent on the destination chosen and the duration of the stay. Each year, NWO can fund about 60 young researchers within Rubicon (for a total amount of 7 million euros allocated over three rounds).


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