Annemie Schols appointed as UM dean Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences

Annemie Schols, Professor of Nutrition and Metabolism in Chronic Diseases, has been appointed as the new dean of the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML). She will begin her first four-year appointment on 1 June 2020. Professor dr. Schols succeeds prof. dr. A. Scherpbier, who has been dean since 2011.

Prof. Dr. Schols has a long career within FHML, as a researcher and as director of NUTRIM School of Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism. Under her leadership, NUTRIM has grown into a worldwide Center of Excellence for research in the fields of obesity, diabetes, COPD and cancer cachexia.

Schols about her appointment as dean of FHML: “FHML has interesting challenges in the field of education and research, HR policy, the possibilities for expanding cooperation within the Maastricht UMC +, the further shaping of interfaculty cooperation and the possibilities for the faculty to strengthen in a regional and national context. I look forward to consolidating and further developing the initiatives that have been taken in recent years under the leadership of the current dean, such as the Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus."

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