Students for a good cause

22nd RAG Week Maastricht

Yes, it’s RAG Week again, the week in which students make a real effort for a good cause. Also in times of COVID. No, definitely in times of COVID. Because this year the fundraising activities focus on old age and loneliness. In other words, students supporting the eldery in Maastricht - a great local initative.

The students collaborate with the Met je hart Maastricht Foundation, which organises meaningful encounters for vulnerable elderly people. The foundation inspires others to take action, too. Like the students of RAG Week Maastricht. So please donate with all your heart in the week from 16 to 23 April.

All for a good cause

The RAG Week is an annual event-packed week in which Maastricht study associations, student sports associations and student associations team up to raise as much money as possible for charity purposes.

The students organise activities such as an auction, a sports tournament, dinners, drinks, etc. The foundation also receives money through gifts and donations. In this way, the students support people who need help.

The history of RAG Week

At the end of the nineteenth century, students in England wanted to give something back to society. They wrote poems on rags, which they offered for sale. They also collected clothes. This is how the RAG ('Raise and Give') week emerged.

Jasper Grosskurth, UM alumnus and founder of RAG Week Maastricht, first witnessed the event in Ireland, during his exchange to Trinity College Dublin. He introduced it in Maastricht around the turn of the century as a way to increase social involvement among students and improve relations between students and the city. Meanwhile, the RAG Week concept has spread to other Dutch student cities.

This year's RAG Week board: Iris Ariëns, Rebecca Baijer, Rachel van den Kieboom and Babette Lambers.

Met je hart
RAG Week poster

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