
  • Cinderella Therapeutics Foundation and Maastricht University's User Research Center (URC) jointly developed so-called tapering strips to slowly and safely taper off drug doses. Some health insurers, however, are refusing to cover the cost of these strips in their basic health insurance policies.

  • The development of the Tapijnkazerne grounds is in full swing. Recently the new draft design was presented in a third dialogue session with interested parties.

  • Tuna de Maastricht serenaded residents of the nursing home Zeven Bronnen today on behalf of Maastricht University, which is celebrating its 2016 anniversary year.

  • As of 1 May 2016, Dr Chris Arts has been appointed Associate Professor Translational biomaterials research.

  • The local news portal L1 discusses Education That Moves You in an episode of the series 'Avondgasten'.

  • On 29 April 2016 Hanneke Beerens defended her PhD thesis titled ‘Adding life to years; quality of life of people with dementia receiving long-term care’ and was awarded the distinction cum laude. 

  • Prof. dr. mr. Kid Schwarz in Magna Charta - Leading men in ondernemingsrecht

  • One in three addicts suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). To ensure that addicts reap lasting treatment benefits, it's often necessary to treat them for underlying traumas as well, according to a doctoral research study conducted by psychologist Nele Gielen who obtained her PhD from...

  • One in three addicts suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). To ensure that addicts reap lasting treatment benefits, it's often necessary to treat them for underlying traumas as well...

  • MaCSBio's director of education Bert Smeets has been interviewed for the Dutch serie: 'Research Loont' (translation: 'Research pays off') about the unraveling of genetic causes of hereditary metabolic disease among children.