Kasper Eersels (K.B.L.)

Prior to joining Maastricht University, Kasper Eersels obtained a master degree in Bio-electronics and Nanotechnology from Hasselt University in 2009. Upon graduating, he started a PhD in the group of Professor Patrick Wagner, focusing on the development of a biomimetic sensor platform for the detection of circulating tumor cells.

He successfully defended his PhD in Science in 2014 and continued his work in the field of bio- and chemical sensors as a postdoctoral researcher at both Hasselt and Leuven University. In 2017, Kasper switched to Maastricht University where he currently holds the position of assistant professor in the Sensor Engineering department under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Thomas Cleij. Currently dr. Eersels has published over 30 peer reviewed articles and is a co-inventor of a patent-protected thermal biosensor technology. 

In addition to research, dr. Eersels is also involved in teaching at the Maastricht Science Programme. He believes that the holistic educational model of Maastricht University, connecting research and education even at the undergraduate level, is essential in training the scientist of the future. As a scientist working in a multidisciplinary field as biosensing, he considers the interdisciplinary philosophy of the Maastricht Science Programme as the vision of the future.