K. Fuchs

Some of my responsibilities include:

  • Identify and evaluate the potential of different field-study destinations suitable for meaningful education experiences.
  • Identify and begin negotiations with potential local partners in preparation of a formal agreement with Maastricht University.
  • Prepare memoranda of understanding with all partners in close relationship with the FASoS International Office.
  • Evaluate the performance of partners and is responsible for quality assurance for the field work program and the partners that are involved.
  • Responsible for the well-being and safety of students during their fieldwork.
  • Develop relevant trainings and briefing materials for students and staff going on field study.
  • Embed the field-study in the relevant education and safety policies of Maastricht University and the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in collaboration with the Education Coordinator.
  • Arrange travel, accommodation and insurance for students and staff members on field study.
  • Monitor ongoing field-studies and arrange/provide support in case of unforeseen circumstances.