Dr J.J. de Jong

Joop de Jong holds a MA (1980) and PhD in History (1985) from Utrecht University.  He is coordinating and teaching the minors Arts and Heritage and Art, Law and Policy Making, the BA Course Museum Meanings and the MA course Studying Arts and Heritage: Entering the Field. He is also teaching in the Executive Master in Cultural Leadership, offered by Maastricht University and the Royal Academy of Arts in London.

His teaching focuses on cultural policy, cultural participation, cultural heritage and evalation of cultural policy and cultural organisations.

At Maastricht University he was the first coordinator of the former Drs. Programme Cultuur- en Wetenschapsstudies/Arts and Sciences, co-founder and first director of the Master in European Public Affairs, in conjunction with the European Institute for Public Administration in Maastricht,  founder and first director of the Master in Arts and Heritage: Policy, Management and Education, which he directed till 2016.

At Maastricht University he served positions as Program Director of the Bachelor in Arts and Culture, Academic Director Arts and Culture of the Centre for European Studies, Associate Dean of Education, chair of the Department of History and vice-chair of the University Council.  At University College Dublin in Ireland he served as Extern Examiner at the School of Art History and Cultural Policy. For Macalester College in St. Paul, USA, he served as Academic Director of its Study Abroad Program in the Netherlands.

He has previously worked for the universities of Utrecht, Leiden and Rotterdam and has been teaching at many foreign universities.​