Drs Hugo Hollanders (H.J.G.M.)

Research projects
  • BIGPROD: Addressing productivity paradox with big data: implications to policy making, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870822
  • Community Innovation Survey 2022, funded by the European Commission, DG Eurostat, PN5C/01/2020/G4
  • Eco-Innovation Index, funded the European Commission, DG Environment
  • European Innovation Scoreboard, funded by the European Commission, DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
  • Evaluation study on the implementation of cross-cutting issues in Horizon 2020, funded by the European Commission, DG Research and Innovation
  • R&I contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), elaboration of specific topics, funded by the European Commission, DG Research and Innovation
  • Smart specialisation in the Eastern Partnership Countries – potential for knowledge-based economic cooperation, funded by the European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre, JRC/SVQ/2020/MVP/1027
Recent publications
Other publications

Bigas, E., N. Bovenzi, E. Fuster, H. Hollanders, and F.A. Massucci, “Smart specialisation in the Eastern Partnership Countries - Potential for knowledge-based economic cooperation”, Study for the European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre, Seville, 2021

Hollanders, H., "European Innovation Scoreboard 2021: Methodology Report", Report of the European Innovation Scoreboard project, Brussels: European Commission, 2021

Hollanders, H., "Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2021", Report of the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) project, Brussels: European Commission, 2021

Hollanders, H., and N. Es-Sadki, "Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2021: Methodology Report", Report of the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) project, Brussels: European Commission, 2021

Hollanders, H., N. Es-Sadki, and A. Rantcheva, "European Innovation Scoreboard 2021", Report of the European Innovation Scoreboard project, Brussels: European Commission, 2021

Russu, D. and H. Hollanders, “2021 Mapping of economic, innovation and scientific potential in the Republic of Moldova”, Report prepared in support of the Smart Specialisation Strategy of the Republic of Moldova.

Soete, L., S. Schwaag Serger, J. Stierna, and H. Hollanders, “European Union”, Chapter 9 in UNESCO Science Report: The Race against Time for Smarter Development, UNESCO Publishing: Paris, 2021, pp 254-289, ISBN: 978-92-3-100450-6

Es-Sadki, N., H. Hollanders, and C. Rammer, “Final report on the preparation of the Community Innovation Survey 2020”, Luxembourg: European Commission, DG Eurostat, 2020

Hollanders, H., "European Innovation Scoreboard 2020: Methodology Report", Report of the European Innovation Scoreboard project, Brussels: European Commission, 2020

Hollanders, H., N. Es-Sadki, I. Merkelbach, and A. Khalilova, "European Innovation Scoreboard 2020", Report of the European Innovation Scoreboard project, Brussels: European Commission, 2020

Hollanders, H., “European Panorama of Clusters and Industrial Change - Performance of strong clusters across 51 sectors and the role of firm size in driving specialisation”, European Observatory for Clusters and Industrial Change Brussels: European Commission, 2020, doi:10.2826/451726

Hollanders, H., and M. Matusiak, “Mapping innovation potential for place-based innovation policies”, in: R. Capello, A. Kleibrink and M. Matusiak (eds.), Quantitative Methods for Place-based Innovation Policy: Measuring the Growth Potential of Regions, Edward Elgar, 2020, pp. 138-161

Hollanders, H., and I. Merkelbach, “Mapping of the economic potential in Western Balkan economies”, Study for the European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre, Seville, 2020

Hollanders, H., "European Innovation Scoreboard 2019: Methodology Report", Report of the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) project, Brussels: European Commission, 2019

Hollanders, H., N. Es-Sadki, and I. Merkelbach, "European Innovation Scoreboard 2019", Report of the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) project, Brussels: European Commission, 2019

Hollanders, H., “Methodology report for the European Panorama of Clusters and Industrial Change and European cluster database”, European Observatory for Clusters and Industrial Change Brussels: European Commission, 2019, doi:10.2826/674944

Hollanders, H., N. Es-Sadki, and I. Merkelbach, "Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2019", Report of the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) project, Brussels: European Commission, 2019

Hollanders, H., N. Es-Sadki, and I. Merkelbach, "Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2019: Methodology Report", Report of the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) project, Brussels: European Commission, 2019

Wintjes, R., and H. Hollanders, “Promoting Innovation, Capabilities and Impact for SMEs in Traditional Industries Calls for Variety in Innovation Support”, L'industria, Rivista di economia e politica industriale, 1/2019, pp. 45-74,  https://www.rivisteweb.it/doi/10.1430/94059

Cvijanović, V., S. Elci, H. Hollanders, and A. Reid, “Supplementary analyses and contextualisation of innovation performance data”, Exploratory report of the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) project, Brussels: European Commission, 2018

Es-Sadki, N., and H. Hollanders, “Final report on the preparation of the Community Innovation Survey 2018”, Luxembourg: European Commission, DG Eurostat, 2018

Hollanders, H. (editor), L. Colnot, R. Moeremans, J. Morret, E. Muller, M. Naumanen, E. Schnabl, E. Sirtori, and A. Zenker, “Methodology report for the extension of the European cluster database and related reports”, European Observatory for Clusters and Industrial Change, Brussels: European Commission, 2018

Hollanders, H., and N. Es-Sadki, "European Innovation Scoreboard 2018", Report of the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) project, Brussels: European Commission, 2018

Hollanders, H., and N. Es-Sadki, "European Innovation Scoreboard 2018: Methodology Report", Report of the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) project, Brussels: European Commission, 2018

Hollanders, H., G. Ndubuisi, and S. Owusu, “Mapping of the economic potential in Western Balkan countries”, study for the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre. Extract published in Matusiak M., Kleibrink A. (ed.), Supporting an Innovation Agenda for the Western Balkans: Tools and Methodologies, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2018, ISBN 978-92-79-81870-7, doi:10.2760/48162, JRC111430

Es-Sadki, N., and H. Hollanders, “Final report on the preparation of the Community Innovation Survey 2016”, Luxembourg: European Commission, DG Eurostat, 2017

Hollanders, H., and A. Khalilova, “Innovation and employment”, technical note prepared for the European Commission’s funded “European Innovation Scoreboard” project, Maastricht, 2017

Hollanders, H., and N. Es-Sadki, "European Innovation Scoreboard 2017", European Innovation Scoreboard 2015-2017 report, Brussels: European Commission, 2017

Hollanders, H., and N. Es-Sadki, "European Innovation Scoreboard 2017: Methodology Report", European Innovation Scoreboard 2015-2017 report, Brussels: European Commission, 2017

Hollanders, H., and N. Es-Sadki, "Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2017", European Innovation Scoreboard 2015-2017 report, Brussels: European Commission, 2017

Hollanders, H., and N. Es-Sadki, "Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2017: Methodology Report", European Innovation Scoreboard 2015-2017 report, Brussels: European Commission, 2017

Iizuka, M., and H. Hollanders, "The need to customise innovation indicators in developing countries", Maastricht: UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2017-032, 2017

Hollanders, H., N. Es-Sadki, and M. Kanerva, "European Innovation Scoreboard 2016", European Innovation Scoreboard 2015-2016 report, Brussels: European Commission, 2016

Hollanders, H., N. Es-Sadki, and M. Kanerva, "Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2016", European Innovation Scoreboard 2015-2016 report, Brussels: European Commission, 2016

Radicic, D., G. Pugh, H. Hollanders, R. Wintjes, and J. Fairburn, “The impact of innovation support programmes on SME innovation in traditional manufacturing industries: an evaluation for seven European Union regions”, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, Vol. 34(8), pp. 1425-1452, 2016

Arundel, A., L. Casali, and H. Hollanders, "How European public sector agencies innovate: The use of bottom-up, policy-dependent and knowledge-scanning innovation methods", Research Policy, Vol. 44 (7), pp. 1271-1282, 2015

Avenyo, E., C. Chien, H. Hollanders, L. Marins, M. Schaaper, and B. Verspagen, "Tracking trends in innovation and mobility", Chapter 2 in: UNESCO Science Report 2015: towards 2030, Paris, pp. 56-83, ISBN 978-92-3-100129-1, 2015

Foray, D., and H. Hollanders, "An assessment of the Innovation Union Scoreboard as a tool to analyse national innovation capacities: The case of Switzerland", Research Evaluation, Vol. 24 (2), pp. 213-228, 2015

Goedhuys, M., H. Hollanders, and P. Mohnen, "Innovation policies in emerging economies", in: S. Dutta and B. Lanvin (eds.), The Global Innovation Index 2015: Effective innovation policies for development, Cornell University, INSEAD and WIPO: Geneva, Ithaca and Fontaineblau, 2015

Hollanders, H., "2015 European Service Innovation Scoreboard (ESIS) – Key findings", Report for the European Service Innovation Centre, Brussels: European Commission, 2015

Hollanders, H., N. Es-Sadki, and M. Kanerva, "Innovation Union Scoreboard 2015", European Innovation Scoreboard 2013-2014 report, Brussels: European Commission, 2015

Hollanders, H., and M. Kanerva, "European Union", Chapter 9 in: UNESCO Science Report 2015: towards 2030, UNESCO: Paris, pp. 230-271, ISBN 978-92-3-100129-1, 2015

Zenker, A., E. Muller, and H. Hollanders, "Service Innovation and Economic Performance”, European Service Innovation Centre Discussion Paper, Brussels: European Commission, 2015

Arundel, A., N. Es-Sadki, and H. Hollanders, “Final report on the preparation of the Community Innovation Survey 2014”, Luxembourg: European Commission, DG Eurostat, 2014

Avigdor, G., N. Gauders, H. Hollanders, R. Lucas, N. Mielech, and R. Wintjes, "Smart factories, clean tech and customer experience; how to scale-up the success of learning with users? " Third Trend report of the Business Innovation Observatory, Brussels: European Commission, 2014

Buligescu, B., and H. Hollanders, "The impact of public support on the commercialization activities of innovative companies", European Innovation Scoreboard 2013-2014 report, Brussels: European Commission, 2014

Hollanders, B. Buligescu, N. Es-Sadki, L. Foldspang, P. Lange, B. MacAulay, E. Muller, and A. Zenker, "Methodology for measuring the transformative power of service innovation – European Service Innovation Scoreboard (ESIS) ", Report for the European Service Innovation Centre, Brussels: European Commission, 2014

Hollanders, H., and N. Es-Sadki, "Innovation Union Scoreboard 2014", European Innovation Scoreboard 2013-2014 report, Brussels: European Commission, 2014

Hollanders, H., N. Es-Sadki, B. Buligescu, L. Rivera Léon, E. Griniece, and L. Roman, "Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2014", European Innovation Scoreboard 2013-2014 report, Brussels: European Commission, 2014

Hollanders, H., N. Es-Sadki, B. MacAulay, E. Muller, and A. Zenker, "European Service Innovation Scoreboard (ESIS) – Key findings", Report for the European Service Innovation Centre, Brussels: European Commission, 2014

Radicic, D., G. Pugh, H. Hollanders, and R. Wintjes, "The impact of innovation support programmes on SME innovation in traditional manufacturing industries: an evaluation for seven EU regions", Maastricht: UNU-MERIT Working Paper #2014-033, 2014

Wintjes, R., D. Douglas, J. Fairburn, H. Hollanders, and G. Pugh, "Beyond product innovation; improving innovation policy support for SMEs in traditional industries", Maastricht: UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2014-032, 2014

Bason, C., H. Hollanders, C. Hidalgo Gomez, R. Kattel, G. Korella, C. Leitner, B. le Masson, M. Mazzucato, A. Mungiu-Pippidi, M. Pröhl, and J. Oravec, “Powering European Public Sector Innovation: Towards A New Architecture“, Report of the Expert Group on Public Sector Innovation, Brussels: European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, 2013

Bruno, N., K. Izsak, and H. Hollanders, "New ways of measuring innovation", Brussels: European Commission, 2013

Foray, D., and H. Hollanders, "An analysis of the performance of Switzerland in (and beyond) the Innovation Union Scoreboard", A report for the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, 2013

Hollanders, H., "Measuring Regional Innovation: A European Perspective", in: S. Dutta and B. Lanvin (eds.), The Global Innovation Index 2013: The Local Dynamics of Innovation, Cornell University, INSEAD and WIPO: Geneva, Ithaca and Fontaineblau, 2013, pp. 79-85

Hollanders, H., A. Arundel, B. Buligescu, V. Peter, L. Roman, and P. Simmonds, "European Public Sector Innovation Scoreboard (EPSIS) 2013 - A pilot exercise", Brussels: European Commission, 2013

Hollanders, H., and N. Es-Sadki, "Innovation Union Scoreboard 2013", Brussels: European Commission, 2013

Hollanders, H., and N. Janz, "Scoreboard and indicator reports", in: F. Gault (ed.), Handbook of Innovation Indicators and Measurement, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, 2013, pp. 279-297

Arundel, A., N. Es-Sadki, and H. Hollanders, “Final report on the preparation of the Community Innovation Survey 2012”, Luxembourg: European Commission, DG Eurostat, 2012

Buligescu, B., H. Hollanders, and T. Saebi, "Social attitudes to innovation and entrepreneurship". PRO INNO Europe: INNO Grips II report, Brussels: European Commission, 2012

Hollanders, H., L. Rivera Léon, and L. Roman, "Regional Innovation Scoreboard (RIS) 2012", Brussels: European Commission, 2012

Hollanders, H., J. Derbyshire, R. Lewney, R. Tijssen, S. Tarantola, and L. Rivera Leon, "Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2012 - Methodology report", Brussels: European Commission, 2012

Wintjes, R., and H. Hollanders, "Regional Innovation Report Gelderland", Report for Regional Innovation Monitor, Brussels: European commission, 2012

Wintjes, R., N. Es-Sadki, and H. Hollanders, "Regional Innovation Report Groningen", Report for Regional Innovation Monitor, Brussels: European commission, 2012

Arundel, A., and H. Hollanders, "A taxonomy of innovation: How do public sector agencies innovate? Results of the 2010 European Innobarometer survey of public agencies", Brussels: European Commission, 2011

Cruysen, van A., and H. Hollanders, "Are specific policies needed to stimulate innovation in services?", in: UNECE, Promoting Innovation in the Services Sector – Review of Experiences and Policies, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe: New York and Geneva, pp. 77-99. ISBN 978-92-1-117039-9, 2011

Kroll, H., E. Baier, J. Heijs, H. Hollanders, E. Schricke, T. Stahlecker, and R. Wintjes, "Development of a methodology for the profiling of regional economies", Final report for IPTS as part of the Erawatch Network, 2011

Schubert, T., P. Neuhäusler, R. Frietsch, C. Rammer, and H. Hollanders, "Innovation Indicator: Methodology Report", Report for the “Innovation Indikator” project, 2011

Weisenberger-Eibl, M., R. Frietsch, H. Hollanders, P. Neuhäusler, C. Rammer, and T. Schubert, "Innovation Indikator 2011", Bonn: Deutsche Telekom Stiftung and Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (BDI), 2011

Wintjes, R., and H. Hollanders, "Innovation pathways and policy challenges at the regional level: smart specialisation", Maastricht: UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2011-027, 2011

Hollanders, H., and L. Soete, "The growing role of knowledge in the global economy", in: UNESCO Science Report 2010, UNESCO: Paris, pp. 1-27. ISBN 978-92-3-104132-7, 2010

Huang, C., A. Arundel, and H. Hollanders, "How firms innovate: R&D, non-R&D, and technology adoption", UNU-MERIT Working Paper #2010-027, 2010

Tijssen, R., Th. van Leeuwen and T. Nederhof, H. Hollanders, M. Kanerva, and P. van den Berg, "Science and Technology Indicators 2010", Netherlands Observatory of Science and Technology, The Hague. ISBN 9789059104945, 2010

Walendowski, J., H. Kroll, T. Stahlecker, E. Baier, R. Wintjes, and H. Hollanders, "Innovation Patterns and Innovation Policy in European Regions - Trends, Challenges and Perspectives", Annual Report Regional Innovation Monitor, Brussels: European Commission, 2010

Wintjes, R., and H. Hollanders, "The regional impact of technological change in 2020 - Synthesis report", Brussels: European Commission, 2010

Hollanders, H., "Measuring innovation: the European Innovation Scoreboard", in: E. Villalba (ed.), Measuring Creativity, Proceedings from the conference, 'Can creativity be measured?', Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, ISBN 978-92-79-12862-2, 2009

Hollanders, H., and A. van Cruysen, "Design, Creativity and Innovation: a Scoreboard approach", in: E. Villalba (ed.), Measuring Creativity, Proceedings from the conference, 'Can creativity be measured?', Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, ISBN 978-92-79-12862-2, 2009

Hollanders, H., and A. van Cruysen, "Design, Creativity and Innovation: A Scoreboard Approach", INNO Metrics 2008 report, Brussels: European Commission, 2009

Hollanders, H., and A. van Cruysen, "Service sector innovation: Measuring innovation performance for 2004 and 2006 using sector specific innovation indexes", Brussels: European Commission, 2009

Hollanders, H., S. Tarantola, and A. Loschky, "Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2009", Brussels: European Commission, 2009

Hollanders, H., S. Tarantola, and A. Loschky, "Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2009 - Methodology report", Brussels: European Commission, 2009

Kanerva, M., and H. Hollanders, "The Impact of the Economic Crisis on Innovation - Analysis based on the Innobarometer 2009 survey", Brussels: European Commission, 2009

Arundel, A., and H. Hollanders, "Innovation Scoreboard: Indicators and Policy Use", in C. Nauwelaers and R. Wintjes (eds.), Innovation Policy in Europe, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, 2008

Cruysen, A. van, and H. Hollanders, "Are specific policies needed to stimulate innovation in services?", Brussels: European Commission, 2008

Dunnewijk, T., H. Hollanders, and R. Wintjes, "Benchmarking Regions in the Enlarged Europe: Diversity in Knowledge Potential and Policy Options, in C. Nauwelaers and R. Wintjes (eds.), Innovation Policy in Europe, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, 2008

Garcia, A., and H. Hollanders, "The Diffusion of Informal Knowledge and the Innovation Performance: A sectoral approach", Report for the Sectoral Innovation Watch project, Brussels: European Commission, 2008

Hollanders, H., and A. Arundel, "Differences in socio-economic conditions and regulatory environment: explaining variations in national innovation performance and policy implications", Brussels: European Commission, 2008

Hollanders, H., and F. Celikel Esser, "Measuring innovation efficiency", Brussels: European Commission, 2008

Hollanders, H., and A. van Cruysen, "Rethinking the European Innovation Scoreboard: A New Methodology for 2008-2010", Brussels: European Commission, 2008

Hollanders, H., and M. Kanerva, "Service sector innovation: Measuring innovation performance for 2004 and 2006 using sector specific innovation indexes", Brussels: European Commission, 2008

Huang, C., A. Arundel, and H. Hollanders, "Non-R&D innovation of manufacturing firms: theory and evidence from the third European Community Innovation Survey", Report for the Sectoral Innovation Watch project, Brussels: European Commission, 2008

Tijssen R., H. Hollanders, Th. van Leeuwen, and T. Nederhof, "Science and Technology Indicators 2008", Netherlands Observatory of Science and Technology, The Hague, ISBN 90.5910.0816, 2008

Arundel, A., M. Kanerva, A. van Cruysen, and H. Hollanders, "Innovation Statistics for the European Service Sector", Brussels: European Commission, 2007

Bordoy, C., A. Arundel, and H. Hollanders, "2006 European Innovation Scoreboard - Patent applications by SMEs: An analysis of CIS-3 data for 15 countries", Brussels: European Commission, 2007

Hollanders, H., “Innovation Modes: Evidence at the Sector Level”, Report for the Sectoral Innovation Watch project, Brussels: European Commission, 2007

Hollanders, H., and F. Celikel Esser, "Measuring innovation efficiency", Brussels: European Commission, 2007

Hollanders, H., and A. Arundel, "Differences in socio-economic conditions and regulatory environment: explaining variations in national innovation performance and policy implications", Brussels: European Commission, 2007

Arundel, A., and H. Hollanders, "2006 European Innovation Scoreboard - Methodology report: Searching the forest for the trees: "Missing" indicators of innovation", Brussels: European Commission, 2006

Hollanders, H., "2006 European Innovation Scoreboard - 2006 European Regional Innovation Scoreboard", Brussels: European Commission, 2006

Hollanders, H., and A. Arundel, "2006 European Innovation Scoreboard - 2006 Global Innovation Scoreboard", Brussels: European Commission, 2006

Hollanders, H., and A. Arundel, "2005 European Innovation Scoreboard - Innovation and Economic Performance", Brussels: European Commission, 2006

Kanerva, M., H. Hollanders, and A. Arundel, "2006 European Innovation Scoreboard - Can We Measure and Compare Innovation in Services?", Brussels: European Commission, 2006

Tijssen, R., and H. Hollanders, "Using Science and Technology Indicators to support knowledge-based economies", United Nations University Policy Brief, No. 11, 2006

Tsipouri, L., A. Reid, A. Arundel, and H. Hollanders, European Innovation Progress Report 2006, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, ISBN 92-79-02530-9, 2006

Arundel, A., and H. Hollanders, "2005 European Innovation Scoreboard - Innovation Strengths and Weaknesses", Brussels: European Commission, 2005

Arundel, A., and H. Hollanders, "2004 European Innovation Scoreboard - EXIS: An Exploratory Approach to Innovation Scoreboard", Brussels: European Commission, 2005

Arundel, A., and H. Hollanders, "2005 European Innovation Scoreboard - Innovation Strengths and Weaknesses", Brussels: European Commission, 2005

Arundel, A., and H. Hollanders, "2005 European Innovation Scoreboard - Policy, Indicators and Targets: Measuring the Impacts of Innovation Policies", Brussels: European Commission, 2005

Hollanders, H., and A. Arundel, "2005 European Innovation Scoreboard - European Sector Innovation Scoreboard", Brussels: European Commission, 2005

Sajeva, M., D. Gatelli, S. Tarantola, and H. Hollanders, "2005 European Innovation Scoreboard - Methodology Report", Brussels: European Commission, 2005

Tijssen R., H. Hollanders, Th. van Leeuwen, and T. Nederhof, "Science and Technology Indicators 2005", Netherlands Observatory of Science and Technology, The Hague. ISBN 90.5910.463.3, 2005

Hollanders, H., and A. Arundel, "2004 European Innovation Scoreboard - Methodology Report", Brussels: European Commission, 2004

Hollanders, H., and A. Arundel, "2004 European Innovation Scoreboard - Exploring Innovation Performances by Sectors", Brussels: European Commission, 2004

Hollanders, H., "2003 European Innovation Scoreboard - Regional Innovation performances", Brussels: European Commission, 2003

Hollanders, H., and A. Arundel, "2003 European Innovation Scoreboard - Methodology Report", Brussels: European Commission, 2003

Hollanders, H., and B. ter Weel, "Skill-Biased Technological Change: On Endogenous Growth, Wage Inequality and Government Intervention", in: Harald Hagemann and Stephan Seiter (eds.), Growth Theory and Growth Policy, Routledge: London, pp. 156-171, 2003

Hollanders, H., and T. Ziesemer, "Some Aspects of Growth in the Netherlands 1970-1998: An International Comparison", in: Harald Hagemann and Stephan Seiter (eds.), Growth Theory and Growth Policy, Routledge: London, pp. 248-262, 2003

Meijers, H., and H. Hollanders, "Sources of Growth: Measuring the Knowledge Based Economy", MERIT Research Memorandum 2003-029, 2003

Tijssen R., H. Hollanders, Th. van Leeuwen, and T. Nederhof, "Science and Technology Indicators 2003", Netherlands Observatory of Science and Technology, The Hague, ISBN 90.5910.0816, 2003

Hollanders, H., "2002 European Innovation Scoreboard - EU regions", Brussels: European Commission, 2002

Hollanders, H., and B. ter Weel, "Technology, Knowledge Spillovers, and Changes in Employment Structure: Evidence from Six OECD Countries", Labour Economics, Vol. 9 (5), November 2002, pp. 579-599

Meijers, H., and H. Hollanders, "Sources of growth in the Knowledge Based Economy: The role of R&D and ICT in Europe and the US", MERIT/Infonomics mimeo, August 2002

Wintjes R., T. Dunnewijk, and H. Hollanders, "ICT Monitor Vlaanderen: Eindrapport van een haalbaarheidsstudie". Study commissioned by IWT Flanders, 2002

Bruinshoofd, A., H. Hollanders, and B. ter Weel, "Knowledge Spillovers and Wage Inequality: An Empirical Analysis of Dutch Manufacturing", Labour, Vol. 15 (4), December 2001, 641-661

Hollanders, H., and H. Meijers, "Quality-Adjusted Prices and Software Investments: the use of Hedonic Price Indexes", MERIT/Infonomics mimeo, June 2001

Meijers, H., and H. Hollanders, "Investments in intangibles, ICT-hardware, Productivity Growth and Organisational Change: an Introduction", MERIT/Infonomics mimeo, September 2001

Tijssen R., H. Hollanders, Th. van Leeuwen, and B. Verspagen, "Science and Technology Indicators 2001", Netherlands Observatory of Science and Technology, Zoetermeer, ISBN 90.346.3906.1, 2001

Hollanders, H., L. Soete, and B. ter Weel, "Trends in Growth Convergence and Divergence and Changes in Technological Access and Capabilities", Paper presented at the Lisbon Workshop on Cliometrics, Econometrics and Appreciative History in the Study of Long Waves in Economic Development. Lisbon, 11-13 March 1999. Also available as MERIT Research Memorandum 1999-019, 1999

Hollanders, H., and T. Ziesemer, "From Which Side to the Steady State of the Augmented Solow Model? The Role of Country-Specific Total Factor Productivity Growth Rates", MERIT Research Memorandum 1999-003, 1999

Tijssen R., H. Hollanders, Th. van Leeuwen, and B. Verspagen, "Science and Technology Indicators 1998", Netherlands Observatory of Science and Technology, Leiden/Maastricht, ISBN 90.75023.05.7, 1998

Bos, F., H. Hollanders, and S. Keuning, "A research and development module supplementing the national accounts", The Review of Income and Wealth, Vol. 44, pp. 151-167, 1994