13 Mar 14 Mar
An ECPC conference

Regulating Privacy through Accountability Principles and Ethical Standards in the era of Big Data


This event aims to yield answers to the most pertinent questions regarding digital ethics – meaning that the result is not constrained to the formulation of open ethical norms but that tangible rules and standards should be formulated to tackle acute problems.

Theme of the conference
The General Data Protection Regulation provides a modernised, accountability-based compliance framework for those processing personal data that goes beyond the mere compliance with legal rules. The Accountability Principle implies for organisations the obligation to adopt policies and
implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to be able to ‘demonstrate’ to the authorities and/or data subjects how such compliance with the Regulation is ensured. It entails taking a series of actions such as: Privacy by design and data protection by default,
data protection risk assessments (privacy impact assessments and audits), policy reviews, codes of conduct, certifications, Binding Corporate Rules (BCR), activity records and appointing a data protection officer (DPO). It also includes a responsibility to take ethical judgements on the
consequences of a processing operation for the individual, for groups of individuals as well as for society at large. In this respect, the creation of an ethical framework that underpins these judgements is vital.

The implementation of the Accountability Principles presents challenges to organisations but represents also opportunities for organisations: Creating trust in their data processing operations, with both consumers and Data Protection Authorities, and gaining a competitive advantage.

Why participate
The event aims to yield answers to the most pertinent questions regarding the regulation of privacy through ethical standards and accountability.

About the conference
The conference consists of lectures, short workshops exploring the practicalities of the application and enforcement of a digital ethics approach and panel discussions with policy makers, academics and companies.

