Dr Christopher O'Bryan (C.J.)

My lab researches the link between biodiversity conservation and human society. This includes understanding the effects of our overexploitation of natural resources, quantifying the unique benefits that wildlife provide to human health and food security, and helping governments make better conservation decisions. 

Much of the work in my lab is interdisciplinary, including topics such as ecology, conservation, biogeography, decision science, and social science.

We strive to make our research accessible to both the scientific community and the general public.  As such, our papers have been published in high-quality peer-reviewed scientific journals like Nature Ecology & Evolution, Global Change Biology, and Ecology Letters

Because of the timeliness of our work, we have  been featured in media outlets such as The Guardian, Scientific American, ABC News, and Wired Magazine and has been cited in national and global environmental policy.

If you are interested in working in the lab or have any questions,  please email me at c.obryan@maastrichtuniversity.nl