Dr Christoph Rausch, MA (C.)

Rausch coordinates two BA course modules at University College Maastricht (UCM), HUM2016 Heritage Studies: Preserving Our Natural and Cultural Pasts (and Futures) and SSC20170 Social Studies of Finance: The Making (and Taking) of Value in the Financialization of Our Lives.

Before an extended leave of absence from teaching due to management and research assignments between 2017 and 2020, Dr. Rausch was in charge of HUM1011 Introduction to Art: Representations, Performances and Interactions and HUM2013 The Presence of Art: Reinterpreting Modern and Contemporary Art within the open liberal arts and sciences curriculum of UCM and in the context of MACCH. Rausch has also tutored philosophy of science and political philosophy as part of UCM’s core curriculum and within the academic skills program at the college he has coordinated an interdisciplinary debate project.

Throughout his leave of absence, Rausch continued advising students in undergraduate research and assessing BA and MA theses. Currently, he steers teams of undergraduates, as well as graduate students on research projects concerning the appraisal of art values, art financialization practices, and money laundering. Some of these projects have been commissioned by and are executed in collaboration with the Dutch Fiscal Information and Investigation Service (FIOD), as well as with a major Dutch bank.

Dr. Rausch teaches at Maastricht University’s Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in the MA programs Globalization and Development Studies and Arts and Heritage: Policy, Management and Education. Together with colleagues at MACCH and MERIAN, as well as at the Amsterdam Institute of Social Science Research (AISSR), he supervises PhD candidates.

Until 2023, Rausch was a member of the educational programme committees of UCM and the interfaculty BA Global Studies.