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A new perspective? What specific plans and suggestions has Juncker to encounter a more united, stronger and more democratic Europe? Are his plans realistic and do these proposals respond effectively to the issues of democracy and legitimacy?
The United Kingdom’s Brexit strategy is increasingly being revealed for being based on wishful thinking, not facts, with devastating consequences for the upcoming talks.
The judgment of the European Court of Justice to relocate refugees was met with dividing reactions by the complainant countries. Overall, only 28.242 out of the intended 160.000 refugees have been relocated from Greece (19.702) and Italy (8540) under the scheme so far.
Broad ‘EU-only’ trade agreements can constitute the new normal of EU external trade action, only if such agreements exclude portfolio investment and investor-state dispute settlement provisions from their scope.
The European Union is currently in the process of overhauling its anti-dumping regime, changing the methodology in a way that it hopes will appease China while preserving the effectiveness of the EU’s trade defence instruments. However, in his Master Thesis Olav de Wit, LL.M.
The apportionment of the EU’s tariff rate quotas is key when assessing the legal implications of Brexit for the UK's agricultural sector.
Asylum cases are characterized by a general lack of documental evidence to support the applicant’s identity, origin, and persecution story.
A law and economics analysis of corporate sustainable theories and practices. PhD thesis by Mengxing Lu.
In his decision of September 7th 2017 the State Secretary for Finance approves that under the tax agreements of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United A
In March 2017 Pieter Duisenberg signed a declaration of intent with een bevestigende beantwoording van de volgende vraag: “Do you intend to complete the chosen term?”. (Dutch only)