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The quality of a granted patent is dependent on the quality of the patent application. For the companies where scientists write their own patents, IP legal training for scientists can help improving their patent drafting skills.
Teneinde gezamenlijke reflectie in gang te zetten, organiseren wij op 24 mei een congres waarbij onderzoekers uit alle geledingen van de rechtswetenschap met elkaar van gedachten kunnen wisselen.
Expensive medicines are a ubiquitous challenge from which no government is immune. Excessive price hikes are an urgent human rights issue with serious ramifications for public health.
Britain gets a hard-fought extension, with incalculable consequences.
This blog is only available in Dutch.
The fashion industry needs strong IPRs for its development, however, a lot of divergences are found between the strategy imposed in this sector and the way the IP system is drafted, which often fails to benefit small companies.
Nowadays, large corporations are taking advantage of the rapid technological and scientific development in product manufacturing to increase their sales and profits.
The advancement of big data may lead to a revolution in the health sector by enabling the personalization of medicine.
Blog by UCM-student Svea Grünkorn about Green Impact.
With options running out before the United Kingdom faces yet another critical deadline, Prime Minister Theresa May tries one last (desperate) gamble to “save Brexit” – reaching out to the Labour Party. Will it be successful? Which are the options remaining on the table? What could happen next?