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A patent for a medicine gives the patent owner an exclusive right to prevent others from commercially exploiting the patented medicine. When patent regimes work well, the patent holder receives a return for costs of research and development enabling him to continue making further investments.
Things aren't going so well on Earth. We are suffering from systemic problems. Resource wastage, ecosystem collapse and climate change make it impossible to claim that things on Earth are working efficiently. But the Gnomes have solved all of these problems.
The results of empirical research show that 82% of consumers read online reviews, not to mention companies, which rely on them to assess their own performance. The utility of the review depends on a number of factors, such as the perceived identity of a reviewer, and the language used.
Roland Moerland spoke at Docfest about the bystander effect, empathy and agency, self-sacrifice and other remarkable features of the documentary City of Ghosts.
The coalition agreement of Rutte-III proposed to abolish the dividend tax, but not completely... It states that this Tax will be maintained in situations of abuse, in order to prevent tax evasion. (Dutch only)
Every endeavour is achieved as the result of teamwork, and librarians are fundamental members in our team when researching in law. Librarians provide able hands and without them effective research would be an almost impossible mission, especially in the Internet era.
The economic and monetary crisis that has been hitting the European Union (EU) over the past decade has led the EU and its Member States to adopt several measures to safeguard the common currency.
Since “Champagne” is a protected designation of origin (PDO) under EU law, it is not self-evident whether a product that is not Champagne but which contains Champagne can use the protected term in its trade name.
Can Member States prohibit pupils from attending education abroad, simply on the belief that it might hamper the integration of the children into society? But what of possible justification grounds?
Nederland raakt niet uitgepraat over referenda. En dat is niet zo gek, gezien de recente ervaringen uit het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Spanje en natuurlijk het Oekraïne-referendum. In het regeerakkoord staat dat de Wet raadgevend referendum wordt ingetrokken. Wat moeten we nou van referenda vinden?