Ali Juma Taqavi, MA Globalisation and Development Studies

I am Ali Juma Taqavi from Afghanistan. I am doing Masters in Globalisation and Development Studies at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. I did my Bachelor’s in Political Science and Public Administration.

My favorite part is the good balance of theory and practice in the GDS program where a mixture of globalisation history and perspectives, contemporary global challenges around migration and development, and practical skills in research, interviewing, reporting and project development. At the same time, the programme allows enough freedom in choosing courses outside the programme for anyone who likes to expand their knowledge and skills beyond what GDS offers.

My favorite course in the program is the Brokers and Translators course. Coming into the programme, one is of the thinking that they would be exposed to the fairytale of development studies. However, the programme exposes us to enough critical unbiased literature to the whole notion of globalisation and development.

Student life in Maastricht has been amazing. Maastricht University provided me enough support outside the university including help with my accommodation. Coming from a non-European background, the university, the faculty and staff ensured that I knew about the help outside my studies were available to me at all times. It feels good to know that you are not alone in the new place and there is someone for you in case you need them.

I was lucky enough to get a scholarship through the Open Society Foundation and Maastricht University which makes my student experience extra special.

Ali Juma Taqavi
March 2022