Health Check

One of the criteria to receive a residence permit to the Netherlands is that you must be prepared to undergo a health check for tuberculosis and, if necessary, receive treatment for it. By applying for a residence permit to the Netherlands, you are consenting to undergo this health check.

The health check appointment is to take place in the Netherlands after your arrival. You will receive your residence permit prior to this appointment, on the condition that you will undergo the health check within 3 months after you received your residence permit.

If, after the aforementioned 3 months it becomes apparent that you failed to undergo the health check, your residence permit may be revoked. 

If you have the nationality of one of the countries on this list, you do not have to undergo the health check. Other nationals who hold a long-term residence permit in either an EU/EEA member state or Switzerland are also exempt from the health check requirement.

Your health check will take place at the Public Health Services Office (GGD) in Roermond within 3 months after receiving your residence permit.

KCIS will schedule this appointment at the GGD for you and provide you with the necessary forms to bring with you to the appointment. For more information, please contact your KCIS contact person.

If you are a student, please contact the Visa Office.