Teenzcollege programme 2025

The programme:

  • We start with our regular kick-off meeting. On the first day, you will attend speeches, join one of the tutorial groups that will be formed, have a tutor allocated to you, and take part in team building activities. In addition, you will receive an introduction to the famed Problem-Based Learning system of Maastricht University.
  • In the following five meetings, you will attend lectures given by professors and relating to the topics of the tutorial meetings of that week. Afterwards, you will discuss your findings from the prescribed literature and talk about that week’s assignment in your group. Those meetings are all supervised by two (international) tutors studying in Maastricht.
  • In the three subsequent meetings you will learn how to conduct scientific research on the same theme, within the fields of psychology, genetics or big data. The results of your group's research will be presented on large posters.
  • During the peer review class you will discuss your group's posters.
  • TeenzCollege ends with a closing ceremony in which you present your poster and answer questions from your family, friends and teachers. You will receive a certificate signed by the Rector Magnificus of Maastricht University, Prof. dr. Pamela Habibović.

For whom: VWO 4/5 students who are looking for a challenge.
Costs: the costs are €40 per student

114 January 202513.00 – 15.30
221 January 202513.00 – 15.30
328 January 202513.00 – 15.30
44 February 202513.00 – 15.30
511 February 202513.00 – 15.30
618 February 202513.00 – 15.30
74 March 202513.00 – 15.30
811 March 202513.00 – 15.30
918 March 202513.00 – 15.30
1025 March 202513:00 15.30
111 April 202519:00 – 21:30