Sustainability, Law and the Environment Student Blogs

BLOG/VLOG Student Series


The series exists of student-made analysis of topical issues in the field of environmental law. The Blog/vlog competition is organised by the master course Sustainability, Law, and the Environment. This course is part of the interdisciplinary master Sustainability Science, Policy and Society. Blogs/vlogs are developed by teams of 2 students, and need to discuss how law can or should protect the environment, in view of sustainable development.

Out of 59 submissions, and based on Originality, Quality and Topicality, the teaching team has selected 4 blogs and 2 vlogs as prize-winners for 2022.


Prize Winning Blogs:

Environmental Law Blog

New hope for addressing plastic pollution in international environmental law? 
Alessia Tomatis & Pauline Krause | blog  

Responsibility vs Response-ability Regarding the Energy Transition -  Civil Society vs Government and institution
Rick Aarnoudse & Monu Varghese | blog

Going against the stream: Rights of Nature and the river Meuse
Bram Cruijsen & Camille Aardening | blog

Transparency concerns within the European Investment Bank
Stephanie Kehm &  Anna Kula | blog

Serving Law with Spaghetti and Schnitzel – episode one – protection of the wolf
Silvia Zecchini  & Constanze Kero | vlog (in podcast style)

Nitrogen Crisis in The Netherlands
Yuhao Tan &  Ruben Vleeschouwers | vlog (Powerpoint)

Furthermore, special attention is given to this vlog, in which two students share how they have experienced law in practice by inquiring information on the use of glyphosate in the municipality Maastricht :

Experiencing the right to get access to environmental information
Francisca Costa and Ombeline Siraudeau