Vision competition

The Institute of Data Science at Maastricht University invited submissions of visionary essays concerning the future of a data-driven society. The essays were submitted in any form of webpublished digital media, including text, visuals, software, an application, a website and so on. The best essay was selected by a jury of senior researchers.


The winner of the Vision Essay Competition is: Claudia Egher with her remarkable essay titled: Digital morning or manic by design.

The theme of her essay is: the future of people diagnosed with a mental condition, i.e. bipolar disorder, in a data-driven society

Claudia is a PhD Student at the Department of Technology & Society Studies (FASoS)

Read Claudia's Essay (pdf)


Pet Emotions Device by scanning facial expressing of cats and dogs on the internet

Digital morning or manic by design

Claudia Egher

Affiliation, position
TSS, Candidate PhD

The Marketplace of Data

Andrew Gold

Affiliation, position
DKE, Student

Vision of the future of a data-driven society

Marc Rossing

Affiliation, position
SBE, Student

The data divide

Alexander Koch

Affiliation, position
PATH, PostDoc

Big data in the courtroom: Bug or Feature?

Anna Sagana and Mario Senden

Affiliation, position
FPN, Assistant Professor and PostDoc

A Data Driven Society Untangled

Deverly Fedee

Affiliation, position
LAW, Student

Reflections on progress

Loukia Hadjiyianni

Affiliation, position
FPN, Student

The Future of a Data-driven Society

Valentin Calomme

Affiliation, position
DKE, Student, Alumni