Focus on the impact of your research: The value of co-creation

Co-creation course

The impact of your research has become increasingly important in the academic world. Do you know who your stakeholders are? What are their gains and pains? How could you involve them in your research? 

For impact, an open, active and creative process (‘co-creation’) is desired in which stakeholders are involved in all phases of your research. This course will support you with creating awareness about the societal impact of your research work. You get to know more insight into the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ of fostering the impact of your project by a co-creative research approach.  The training will be tailored to your own context and needs. You will learn how to effectively apply the principles of co-creation in your own research project. 

The course has been developed within LIME, see We use the ‘co-creation impact compass’ as the framework for the course. It is a framework for researchers to think about impact, which includes practical instructions for different tools for co-creation. The Dutch and English version can be found here.

Cocreation course

Overview of topics and objectives

The course consists of the following topics and objectives:

  1. Getting insight into the building blocks for impact and the meaning of a co-creative research approach 

  2. Getting insight in the relevant stakeholders in a research project.

  3. Getting an overview of co-creation tools, and learning how to apply some of them in order to engage with the relevant stakeholders.

Student profile

This course is intended for PhD students and post doc researchers from CAPHRI, preferably researchers who have recently started their PhD-trajectory or will start with a new research project in the near future. If there are places left, the course is also open for PhD-students from other Research Schools.

Course content

The course consists of two sessions of 3 hours. The first session will start with time for the participants to get to know each other and their research projects, and an introduction of co-creation as a way to actively engage stakeholders in an open, active and creative process. Furthermore, the co-creation impact compass will be introduced. We make a start with stakeholder mapping to get an overview of the relevant stakeholders in each project, and to get insights into their pains and gains. 

Together with the participants, we decide which questions need to be met, and what co-creation tools will be the focus of the second session. During session 2, the students will become more familiar with various co-creation tools to involve stakeholders in the development of their research plan and/or intervention, and in the evaluation. We also discuss how to publish the methods and findings from studies in which co-creative tools have been applied.

Practical information

Course dates 2024: Wednesday 9th of October, 10 am – 1 pm | Wednesday 6th of November, 10 am – 1 pm 
Fee: 200 euro per participant
Duration: Two 3-hour meetings and a follow-session (3 hours)
Where: CAPHRI, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University
Course title: Focus on the impact of your research: the value of co-creation
Number of participants: at least 10 per group
Trainers: Dr. Anneke van Dijk – de Vries | Dr. Sandra Beurskens
Contact and registration: Please send an email to Anneke:

More information

Send an e-mail to Anneke van Dijk-de Vries: